Clemens Grabmayer

Clemens Grabmayer August 2023

I am temporary research assistant (RTD-a) at the Department of Computer Science of the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila, Italy (my GSSI webpage is under reconstruction).


Please see my publications page here (with link extension .../publications.html).

Current and recent matters, events, and additions


Curriculum Vitae

2024 Temporary research assistant (RTDa) at the Department of Computer Science, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
2018 — 2024 Postdoc at the Department of Computer Science, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
2015 — 2018 Postdoc at the Department of Computer Science (theoretical computer science group), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2017 University Teaching Qualification (Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs)
from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2013 — 2015 Postdoc at the Department of Computer Science (theoretical computer science group), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
working at the NWO project Syntactic Degrees
2013 Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy of Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
for the lecture Models of Computation
2009 — 2012 Temporary assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy (theoretical philosophy group), University Utrecht
working at the NWO project Realising Optimal Sharing
2007 — 2009 Temporary assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy (theoretical philosophy group), University Utrecht
working at the NWO BRICKS project Infinity
2004 — 2007 Postdoc at the Department of Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
working at the NWO project GeoProc (Geometry of Processes)
2005 PhD in computer science from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
thesis (in interpretational proof theory): Relating Proof Systems for Recursive Types (pdf)
2000 — 2004 AIO at the theoretical computer science group of the
Department of Computer Science of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
1999 MSc in Logic from the Unversity of Amsterdam (ILLC), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
thesis (in proof theory): Cut-Elimination in the Implicative Fragment of a G3mi-Gentzen-system and its Computational Content (pdf)
1997 Dipl. Ing. Technische Mathematik from the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Linz, Austria
thesis (in logic and computational complexity): Die Entscheidungskomplexität logischer Theoreme - eine Studie anhand der Presburger Arithmetik (pdf)

Other Webpages

Gedenken / Commemoration

Ein Lichtbildervortrag zur Verabschiedung meines Vaters Erwin Grabmayer am Urnenhain Linz Urfahr, 27. Februar 2024 (siehe auch Parte, Andenken, Webseite Dobretsberger).

A slide talk for the farewell of my father Erwin Grabmayer at Urnenhain Linz Urfahr, Februar 27, 2024 (see also Farewell Notice, Keepsake Memory, website Dobretsberger).

Perspective to L'Aquila and Monte Ocre from near Pettino (July 15, 2023)

sopra Pettino

Frecce Tricolori in L'Aquila above Porta Tione and GSSI (August 5, 2023)

Frecce Tricolori above GSSI, Ex-INPS building (05/08/2023)

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