========================================================================= From Compactifying Lambda-Letrec Terms to Recognizing Regular-Expression Processes ========================================================================= I want to explain a transferal of ideas from finding graph representations for terms in the Lambda Calculus with letrec, a universal model of computation, to understanding process graphs that can be expressed by regular expressions (via Milner's process interpretation), a proper subclass of finite-state processes. In both cases structure- constrained (term-/process-)graphs are expedient that permit to go back and forth easily between terms/expressions and term-graphs/process-graphs. They respect the appertaining operational semantics, but were conceived with specific purposes in mind: to optimize functional programs in the Lambda Calculus with letrec; and to reason with process graphs denoted by regular expressions, and to decide recognizability of these graphs. For the definition, and efficient implementation of maximal sharing for the higher-order terms in the lambda calculus with letrec, Jan Rochel and I formulated a representation-pipeline, as follows. Higher-order terms can be represented by, appropriately defined, higher-order term graphs, those can be encoded as first-order term graphs, and these can in turn be represented as deterministic finite-state automata (DFAs). Via these correspondences and DFA minimization, maximal shared forms of higher-order terms can be computed. In Milner's process semantics, regular expressions are interpreted as nondeterministic finite-state automata (NFAs) whose equality is studied modulo bisimulation. Unlike for the standard language interpretation, not every NFA can be expressed by a regular expression. This raised a non-trivial recognition (or expression) problem, which was formulated by Milner (1984) next to a completeness problem for an equational proof system. I want to explain a crucial tool for tackling these problems that I have developed in work with Wan Fokkink: process graphs that are structurally constrained by the Loop Existence and Elimination Property LEE. =========================================================================