=============================================================================== Clemens Grabmayer: The Graph Structure of Process Interpretations of Regular Expressions Abstract for my presentation at the IFIP working group 1.6 meeting Nancy, July 1, 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Center-stage of my talk will be a structural property of process graphs that are interpretations of regular expressions: the loop existence and elimination condition (LEE). It turned out to be instrumental for tackling axiomatization and recognition problems for Milner's process semantics of regular expressions. Next to indicating its role in my work on these problems, I want to explain how concepts and ideas from rewriting are crucial for the definition of LEE and the study of its properties. LEE is defined by a terminating loop-subgraph-elimination rewrite system. This system can be completed into a confluent system, which entails that LEE is efficiently decidable. Process interpretations of regular expressions satisfy LEE if they are `under-star-1-free', and in general if they satisfy a refinement property 1-LEE, which requires of a process graph to be refinable into a graph with LEE by means of increasing sharing through added 1-transitions (empty steps). `LEE-witnesses' are labelings of process graphs that satisfy LEE. They guarantee expressibility by a regular expression: every process graph G with a LEE-witness facilitates the efficient extraction of a regular expression whose process interpretation is bisimilar to G. Two further lemmas are of critical importance for obtaining completeness results. First, LEE is preserved under bisimulation collapse; this can be established by a stepwise collapse procedure. However, second, 1-LEE is not preserved under bisimulation collapse. Finally I report on a recent technical refinement of the extraction procedure that permits to understand LEE/1-LEE as characteristic properties for the restricted/unrestricted images of a (slightly more) compact version of the process interpretation. LEE (and resp. 1-LEE) characterizes those process graphs that are isomorphic to compact process interpretations of under-star- 1-free regular expressions (resp. that refine compact process interpretations of arbitrary regular expressions). ===============================================================================